A new concept: Arsenic removal in private households in Argentina - A view from the online marketing perspective of an Osnabrück student

Not only the targeted removal of heavy metals (such as arsenic or vanadium) is close to the heart of the GEH Wasserchemie team. Competent online communication is one of our highest values. In this case, we take a special look at online-marketing. This includes all measures to be perceived in a certain way by the target group in an online environment. Informing customers about new scientific findings in the field of arsenic removal, for example, is increasingly taking place online. The field of customer acquisition, as well as the presentation of one's own company, is also shifting from the offline to the online sector. For this reason, we would like to be perceived as a pioneer in online marketing.
To enable the best possible perception from the customer's point of view, we therefore work closely with our sales partners. This enables us to ensure long-term success for all parties involved.
In this endeavor, we have now been supported by a student from the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences - Christopher Deutz. As part of his bachelor's thesis for his degree in International Business and Management, he examined and optimized our current approach to online marketing for customer acquisition in Argentina.
In an extent of 48 scientifically founded pages a marketing concept was written to support us in this matter. The sales situation in Argentina represents a special case in many respects. The reason for this is the technology used by our Argentinean distribution partner ProH2O. The water treatment systems used by ProH2O allow private households to install drinking water treatment systems directly at the places where drinking water is used. These can be, for example, the taps in sinks. This means that private individuals in arsenic-polluted regions in Argentina are also able to remove heavy metals such as arsenic from their drinking water.
In the course of the marketing concept, the student from Osnabrück among other things inspected and improved the ProH2O website in particular. An interactive and modern design, new texts, and the interaction-stimulating implementation of many Google applications (such as Google Maps route finding) replaced the former website. Other aspects such as targeting local customers using social media, as well as the creation of a Google advertising campaign were also part of its elaboration.
We are happy about the achieved result of the collaboration and congratulate Christopher for his achieved bachelor’s degree.