News & Knowledge


Real-life operation launched to remove vanadium from drinking water in Germany

As of January 2019, a waterworks in the Vulkaneifel district in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate has been performing extended Granular Ferric Hydroxide (GEH®) efficacy tests (erweiterte Wirksamkeitsprüfung - EWP) for the removal of vanadium from drinking water.

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IFAT Eurasia 2019 Banner

GEH Wasserchemie exhibits on the IFAT Eurasia 2019

For the third time IFAT Eurasia takes place in Istanbul. The world's leading trade fair for environmental technology is perfectly positioned at the "Gateway to Asia" in order to connect Europe with the fastest growing continent. We hope to welcome you to our stand and talk about the removal of arsenic, vanadium and phosphate.

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GEH Produkte bei Nestle

Nestle relies on GEH for arsenic removal for water treatment in Pakistan

More than 18 million people in Pakistan have no access to safe drinking water, especially rural areas exhibit high demands of action. In the district of Sheikhupura, groundwater is used for the water supply, which is naturally contaminated with arsenic. To safely meet the drinking water limits, GEH is used to reduce the arsenic content below detection limit.

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GEH bei der Sajam Voda

Visiting the "Capital of the Balkans"

Last November already, GEH Wasserchemie followed the call of "Sajam Voda", the leading trade fair for the water sector in Southeastern Europe.


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Old acquaintances and new contacts at the Accadueo H2O Show 2018 in Bologna

This week we discussed with customers and users of GEH at our booth and on our workshop on the Accadueo trade fair in Bologna.

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We present you our new Website!

We are proud to present you our new website, which guides you even easier through our portfolio of products and applications.

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GEH on the Water and Development Congress in Buenos Aires

From 13th to 16th of November 2017, the Water and Development Congress of the International Water Association (IWA) took place in Buenos Aires. The congress was a meeting place for thought leaders, decision makers, leading scientists and business representatives of the water sector. Central topics this year have been sustainability in water treatment, distribution and hygiene.

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GEH Wasserchemie turns 20

Founded as a result of a research project at the TU Berlin, 1997 was the year GEH Wasserchemie started its work. Back in that time, the main goal was to deliver the technical means to fulfill the drinking water threshold for arsenic, that was decreased to 10 µg/l for Germany in 1990. Today, GEH Wasserchemie is the leading provider of iron-based high-capacity adsorbents for use in water treatment.

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Congreso Internacional Arsénico en el Medio Ambiente 2016 (As2016)

The "6th International Congress Arsenic in the Environment (As2016)" took place from 19th to 23rd June 2016 at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in the Swedish capital. GEH Wasserchemie participated with a booth on the accompanying exhibition and a technical lecture on the removal of arsenic with GEH.

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